The Impact of Disaster Knowledge and Attitudes on Community Preparedness in Facing Earthquakes


In 2016, a catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 devastated Pidie Jaya Regency. This shallow earthquake, centered on the land, killed 104 people and displaced tens of thousands. This study aimed to measure the relationship between disaster knowledge and attitudes of the community, and their disaster preparedness in Bandar Dua District, Pidie Jaya Regency. 250 villagers of Gampong Ulee Glee, Pelakan Cibrek, Peulakan Tunong, Paya Tunong, and Keude Ulee Glee participated. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The results showed that the level of community disaster was categorized as ‘well’ (59.2%), the attitudes towards disasters were categorized as prepared (60.4%), and preparedness was categorized as well-prepared (54.8%). The bivariate analysis showed that people’s knowledge was categorized as very well prepared (76.8%) and the people’s attitudes were categorized as well and ready in coping with disasters (71.7%). We concluded that there was a relationship (p = 0.005) between disaster knowledge and preparedness. There was also a relationship between the attitudes towards disasters and community preparedness.

Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, preparedness, earthquake, disaster

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