Community Participation in Developing the Pesona Golempang Natural Tourism Attraction


Siti FadjarajaniThis study aimed to determine an inventory of objects in the Golempang Charm Area of Darmaraja Village, in Darmaraja District, Sumedang Regency, as well as the forms of community participation in the development of these tourist attractions. Descriptive methods were used. This study used observations, questionnaires, interviews, a literature review and documentation analysis as data collection techniques. Households in the area of RW 10 in Darmaraja Village were included in the study and these were selected using random sampling. The results showed that in the tourist attraction Pesona Golempang there was: natural scenery from the top of Mount Golempang with an excellent natural panorama, which included the Jatigede Dam; extensive camping grounds; the potential for selfies; and opportunities for paragliding. Meanwhile, the forms of community participation in the development of Pesona Golempang tourist attraction took the form of labor, including for road construction, devotional work and tree-planting, and forms of material participation in road construction activities.

Keywords: tourism, community participation, Pesona Golempang

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