Persuasion Madurese Medicinal Herb Product Packaging through Sexual Esthetic Exoticism


This research departed from the author’s interest in the design of medicinal herb product (thereafter called jamu) packaging coming from Madura Island having verbal and visual persuasive messages leading to exoticism esthetics. Persuasion through sexuality exoticism esthetics often appears when medicinal herb product is intended to men and women who want to achieve harmonious relationship biologically. Medicinal herb product (jamu) promoted through verbal and visual persuasion delivered via packaging design media can be attractive and tempting, so that consumers buy it to be consumed. The uniqueness of sexual vulgar exotic persuasive message in the packaging of medicinal herb product is important to be studied in-depth. This research focused on the design of jamu packaging leading to sexuality exoticism produced in Madura, the sample jamu produced in Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep Regencies. Data was obtained through observation, documentation, and online literature, the results of which were combined through triangulation process and analyzed using Jean Baudrillard’s trans-aesthetic theory stating that design contains sign and symbolic values. The result of research showed that the design of jamu packaging in Madura functioning to improve stamina intended to husband-wife couple contain exoticism trans-aesthetic value. The values contained in the packaging design are: (1) sign value consisting of: (a) the use of packaging as product container, as jamu information and promotion media, (b) buying jamu product to be consumed generates spirit to do some activities, (c) packaging design contains modernity sign to the consumers of jamu, and (3) symbols of power, sturdiness, harmony, enjoyment, and satisfaction to consumers. This persuasive strategy is considered to be able to attract the public’s interest, most of which come from middle-class economy who like to imagine momentary enjoyment.

Keywords: jamu, packaging design, persuasive, exoticism, aesthetic

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