The Effect of Advertising on Brand Awareness and the Impact on Decisions to Use Anteraja's Services


Anteraja is a delivery service company that was only established in 2019. Anteraja began to be known by the public at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this brand does not yet have strong brand awareness among generations X, Y and Z where this generation is known to be very consumptive. With the tagline #PastiBawaHepi, Anteraja must bring happiness in every package delivery to consumers’ doorsteps. Currently, New Media such as websites and applications from Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are widely used to create content that is absorbed by this generation as the largest consumer of internet-based content today. YouTube and Instagram are among the most visited media on digital platforms such as web, android or ios over the past decade. YouTube itself is a video uploading application in the world of social media. Instagram is a photo and video uploading application. In addition to uploading videos and photos, this website and application is also a means for advertising. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy used in Anteraja’s brand awareness. The method used is a qualitative method by taking data from observations and questionnaires and then identifying what factors are the people’s decisions to use Anteraja’s.

Keywords: anteraja, advertising, brand awareness, generation, social, media

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