Use of FPV Drones for Sports Documentaries


The role of a cameraman is crucial for creating unique camera movements and to implement good visual force in sports documentaries. FPV drones allow for the greatest immersion through camera movements. Drone operators depict the visual awareness of sports from inside a flying machine that, like an athlete, moves swiftly and accurately. This research used a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through studying literature related to sports documentation work. FPV videos are often shown at various professional sporting events, such as at the Red Bull Rampage, an annual extreme mountain bike freestyle competition with a natural track free of synthetic elements or special markings and with only one start and finish line. Based on the analysis of camera movements such as panorama, tracking, titration and crab in the video documentary Redbull Rampage 2021, it was concluded that every movement of the camera plays a diverse role. Camera movement techniques can affect the dramatic speed of each scene and the overall action. This is because with any type of camera movement, there can be variations in the type of shooting and different image sizes.

Keywords: FPV drone, camera movement, dramatic, sports documentary

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