Representation of Yogyakarta's Identity Through Graphic Elements of Local Chocolate Packaging
This research aimed to identify how Yogyakarta’s local identity is represented through visual elements in chocolate product packaging. Qualitative methods were used with textual analysis of three brands of chocolate products. The product packages were analyzed descriptively in terms of the design elements of the packaging, and a literature review was conducted. The results indicated that the identity of Yogyakarta is represented through the cultural elements attached to Yogyakarta on the packaging. The identity displayed tends to be a stereotype, through the visualization of historical relics and traditions that are still firmly held in Yogyakarta. This study concludes that packaging design is an important factor in communicating Yogyakarta’s identity. This role can be seen from the illustrations and the language used, the variety of flavors, as well as the selection of materials for the packaging.
Keywords: packaging, identity, local identity, graphic elements, representation
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