Creative Recycling of Cans and Paper Using Painting Techniques


Every day, people’s appreciation for handmade products is increasing. This is in part due to facilitation from the government of many exhibitions of handmade products that support the development of SME products and provides opportunities for them to stand out. One way to get people’s attention is to raise social issues, including environmental issues. The accumulation of waste left over from human consumption is something that must be considered. The 3R principle (reduce, reuse, recycle) is still a good concept to approach the reduction of waste in the community. The innovation of processing waste into reusable objects helps increase the life of objects. This research focused on creating recycled products with a combination of painting techniques. There were nine stages to the methods used in this research, starting from the collection of raw materials to the documentation of marketing processes. To ensure business continuity, the community was also involved in these efforts through the creation of new habits of waste collection: collecting consumables so that they can be repurposed into high-value items.

Keywords: recycle, recycle waste, copies

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