Signs and Meanings of Pecel Lele Lamongan Banner Ads


Pecel lele Lomongan is a culinary MSME that uses banner ads in its promotional media. Advertising is a form of communication that can include a logo, image, or message. Its function is to convey or disseminate information about the offering of a product, idea, or service. This study used qualitative methodology with the Saussurean approach of the semiotic structure of the sign. The study was conducted in the city of Malang and focused on the advertising work of Pecel lele Lamongan banners. In the design of the banners for pecel catfish Lamongan the relationship between elements and principles of appearance is very strong and helps to form a perception of the product in the minds of the audience which they remember.

Keywords: Pecel lele Lamongan, meanings, signs

[1] Astrid PS, Susanto S. Komunikasi dalam teori dan praktek. 1