Promoting East Java Culinary Practices in Webtoon From the Generation Z Perspective


The challenge of every industry today, including the culinary industry, is understanding the mindset and consumption patterns of Generation Z. They were born and raised side by side with the internet, social media, and technology. Their mindset and consumption patterns are different from the previous generation, especially in terms of mastery of technology and information. The aim of this study was to examine how Generation Z perceives new media of Webtoon as a medium of culinary promotion in East Java. This was mixed-methods research with an explanatory sequential approach. Data collection techniques included online questionnaires, interviews, and pre- and post-tests with 39 respondents. The results showed that there was a difference in the knowledge of Generation Z about East Java culinary practices after reading Webtoon, but the average difference between the pre- and post-test was low. This finding contradicts the perception that Generation Z favors Webtoon as a medium. The in-depth findings showed that this inconsistency is related to personal preferences in media selection. For Generation Z, although Webtoon is not a priority as a medium for the promotion of East Java culinary practices, Webtoon has three functions: a transmitter of information, disseminator of cultural values, and source of entertainment.

Keywords: Generation Z, traditional food, East Java culinary, Webtoon, comic

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