Challenges to Batik's Existence: Preserving Philosophical Values Against Accelerated Batik Production


Preservation is what maintains values and customs which have grown and developed alongside cultural practices. Values, traditions, customs, and cultures that grow in a society become important social assets or models that empower the community to understand their quality of life and welfare. People’s demands on batik are increasing; therefore, there is a shift in the meaning of batik motifs from traditional ones to new creations, allowing them to follow the latest designs and developments. This article attempts to describe the challenges to the existence of batik, which needs to be preserved against mass batik production. This article emphasizes the visual aspect of batik production. The study also describes how to preserve batik in order for it to survive, and the challenges experienced by society related to the development of batik’s visual aspect which will gradually accelerate batik production.

Keywords: batik, existence, philosophical values, production

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