Personal Ethical Attributes on Bayu Skak's YouTube Channel


The internet, including social media, has been developing rapidly in line with the growth of the changing social situation. One example is the YouTube video platform. The use of internet technology has also penetrated the business world. The popularity of YouTube has enabled content creators (Youtubers) to use this app or social media to promote themselves. Bayu Skak is one of the Youtubers who has managed to make a living by producing videos, even reaching the big screen and television. One of his monumental works is Mesoh which uses features of East Javanese dialect. This study used a qualitative approach, supplemented by a narrative analysis. Primary data were obtained through visual and audio observations, and secondary data from desk research. The results demonstrated that the use of East Javanese vocabulary and dialect in the Mesoh work is an attribute of Bayu Skak’s personal ethics and serves to increase his popularity as a Youtuber and in film and television media. This personal ethics has become a personal mark of Bayu Skak which is an attraction for the public.

Keywords: attribute, personal ethics, Bayu Skak, Mesoh

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