Creating Ceramic Art Using Indonesian Cultural Elements to Enrich Local Ceramic Craft Culture


Ceramics have spread across various regions in Indonesia. These ceramic products are produced using various techniques and styles. However, not many ceramic producers use Indonesia’s culture to inspire their products. The purpose of this research was to enrich Indonesia’s ceramic variants. The research process involved: (1) local Indonesian culture was reviewed as the basis for ceramic creation; (2) ceramic artwork was created based on Indonesia’s culture; (3) a range of techniques and shapes from certain Indonesian cultural elements were explored and applied; (4) visualizations of the shaping process were created in the campus studio in the Art and Design Department, Faculty of Literature, State University of Malang, using stoneware and earthenware materials processed by manual techniques and machines; the clay was collected from the Southern Malang region, and was mixed with quartz and kaolin; (5) the finishing process was carried out; and (6) the final creation was analyzed. It is expected that this research will add value in enriching Indonesia’s culture, especially in ceramic art.

Keywords: artwork exhibition, ceramic art, creative

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