The Mosque as a Hybrid Space: A Place for Worship and Tourism


Historical and cultural tourism have many benefits, not only for the preservation of objects but also for the tourists as connoisseurs. As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has many mosques as places of worship for Muslim people. There are also many mosques that have historical and cultural values. Several mosques in Indonesia are used as religious tourism sites, but their activities are limited to pilgrimages. However, in Malaysia and Singapore, mosques are also used as part of historical and cultural tour packages for anyone, to demonstrate cultural diversity, cultural understanding, tolerance between religions, Islamic history, and the history of mosques and the surrounding Muslim community. This study aimed to examine how the two neighboring countries in Southeast Asia make mosques a hybrid space as a place of worship as well as a tourism location. This research used a case study approach, focusing on two mosques, namely the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque in Johor, Malaysia and the Jamae Mosque in Chulia, Singapore. The results of this study can be used by planners, designers and managers to develop mosques as part of a historical and cultural tourism landscape in Indonesia.

Keywords: cultural landscape, historical landscape, Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque Johor, Jamae Mosque (Chulia) Singapore, Southeast Asia mosque

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