Sara Kidina in Buton: The Perspective of History, Culture and Quality of Life


This article aimed to explain the existence of ‘Sara Kidina’, a traditional institution that has survived to this day in Buton. Sara Kidina means a government or small institution that deals with legal and religious issues. This study used a descriptive qualitative model. Data were collected through a literature search and in-depth interviews with key informants. According to the results, the Sara Kidina institution has survived for approximately 423 years. Since its formation during the reign of the fourth Sultan of Buton, DayanuIkhsanuddin, Sara Kidina’s duties and functions have not significantly changed, even though the Buton sultanate system has ended. Sara Kidina functions to take care of the Butonese people, both now and in the hereafter. In carrying out these customary, legal and religious processions, Sara Kidina has an organizational structure with assigned duties. During the Sultanate of Buton, four Bhisa were included in the Sara Kidina structure because of their extensive knowledge of legal, religious and mysticism issues. At present, Sara Kidina is still functioning well in serving the needs of the community. This shows the strong influence of these institutions in the social and cultural life of the Butonese people. Therefore, government policy alignments are expected to support the existence of the Sara Kidina institution.

Keywords: institutional existence, Sara Kidina, History, Buton culture, quality of life

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