The Relationship Between Self-Concept, Interpersonal Communication and Self-Adjustment in Students


The housing/dormitory unification system for students has caused psychological shock due to socio-cultural clashes between individuals. This study examined the dynamics of self-concept, interpersonal communication and self-adjustment of students. The research subjects were students of IAIN Kendari class of 2018 who resided in Ma’had Al Jami’ah IAIN Kendari. Data collection was carried out by questionnaires, interviews and non-participation observation. Primary data were analyzed using a social dynamics perspective. The results showed that the dynamics of self-concept can be demonstrated from the positive experiences of the subjects; the dynamics of interpersonal communication can be observed from the psychological conditions caused in communicating; while the dynamics of self-adjustment can be found in the strategies used by female students in facing social and cultural obstacles. This study confirmed that the dormitory system for students has necessitated adaptation, as well as adoption of new habits. The process of adaptation and adoption to students who are different socially and culturally has promoted openness, tolerance and respect for different communities, and has underlined the very distinctive Indonesian education system.

Keywords: self-concept, interpersonal communication, self-adjustment, student dormitory

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