Language Politeness of Preschool Children in the Market Environment


Politeness is an important aspect of language because it can help people communicate more quickly. Children learn politeness through their social environment from an early age. Children are taught how to greet people politely, express their desires in an ethical manner, express curiosity, and express disagreement without screaming or using high voices, among other things. This study involved phenomenological qualitative research, which examined the natural phenomena of language. Data were collected by listening to the use of language without participating in the discussion process and using other free listening techniques. The purpose of the note technique that was used was to observe linguistic phenomena as they occurred. Students in classes B1 and B2 at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Ash-Syafi’iyah T / A 2018/2019 in Kendari were the data sources. According to the findings, children’s language politeness in the family environment was heavily influenced by the situation and circumstances of the environment. Children who had grown up in a market environment had different communication language. Students at RA Ash-Syafi’iah learned about language in the sense of using it to communicate with other people or animals. Children used greetings, permission, thanks, and prohibitions as examples of imperative speech as a sign of politeness. Furthermore, the politeness of language in the children from the market environment had an effect on the intonation of the child’s voice when speaking, as well as the child’s kinesthetic signals.

Keywords: politeness, preschool children’s language, market environment

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