Students' Understanding of the Integer Concept in Terms of Ethno-Mathematical Experience in a Traditional Marbles Game


The goal of this qualitative study was to examine students’ understanding of the integer concept in terms of ethno-mathematical experiences in a traditional marbles game. A total sample of 54 students was selected from a population of 63 grade VII students at SMP Negeri 30 Konawe Selatan using simple random sampling techniques. Observations, questionnaires and test descriptions were used as data collection techniques. The data were analyzed descriptively. The findings revealed that the majority of students consciously and unconsciously applied mathematical concepts to the marbles game. Even though the average score did not meet the minimum completeness criteria, students who never implemented the concept had a higher average score of concept understanding than students who implemented it. When examining the percentages of concept understanding based on ethno-mathematical experience, students in the good, sufficient and poor categories understood the integer concept at 33.93%, 37.59% and 41.07%, respectively. Students with a low level of ethno-mathematical experience had a higher average understanding of concepts than students with a high / good level of ethno-mathematical experience, according to the findings.

Keywords: concept of integers, ethnomatematic experience, traditional marbles game, mathematics

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