Mahasantri Online Coaching in the COVID-19 Pandemic


The goal of this study was to examine Mahasantri’s online religious coaching activities in the context of COVID-19. Qualitative descriptive methods were used in this study at Ma’had Al Jami’ah State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kendari. The findings revealed that Ma’had Al Jami’ah IAIN Kendari’s religious guidance activities could be classified into several coaching categories. First is the guidance of tahsinul qira’ah al-quran. Second is guidance for interpretation. The formation hadith is the third. Fourth, there is the development of fiqh. Adab development is the fifth, and language development is the sixth. COVID-19 was not expected to be a barrier to carrying out teaching and learning activities, according to the findings of this study.

Keywords: religious development, daring, COVID-19

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