Transformation of the Transdisciplinary Vision in Education and Learning Practices in Islamic Higher Education


The purpose of this article was to describe how IAIN Kendari has transformed a transdisciplinary vision into learning practices. There were three main topics discussed: 1) how to design a transdisciplinary curriculum; 2) how to assess lecturers’ readiness to implement learning using a transdisciplinary approach; and 3) how to prepare the learning environment. The three problems were explored at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and the IAIN Kendari Teacher Training Center with qualitative research using descriptive methods. The findings were as follows: the applied curriculum was an old one that was not designed in a transdisciplinary fashion. Bureaucratic issues contributed to the slow pace of curriculum changes. Second, lecturers’ teaching methods in general have not yet resulted in transdisciplinarity; the learning perspective is still sectoral. Third, a learning environment that promotes a transdisciplinary mindset has yet to emerge. The study program’s atmosphere, class management, student management, infrastructure and education personnel have not demonstrated readiness for a transdisciplinary vision in the realm of education and learning.

Keywords: transformation, transdisciplinary, learning practice, higher education

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