Can Transdisciplinary Vision Meet Leadership Practices?


This article is the result of a study of leadership practices at IAIN Kendari, which focused on two aspects: 1) leadership practices in determining the direction and explaining the big picture of IAIN Kendari; and 2) leadership practices in formulating IAIN Kendari’s development strategy. The following findings were obtained through qualitative research using the narrative method: First, IAIN Kendari’s vision states that the institute will ”become a center for transdisciplinary studies in Asia by 2045.” Current leadership practices, however, do not appear to be in sync with this vision, which is still hazy. Second, routinely oriented leadership practices have not yet reached the depths of IAIN Kendari’s long history to produce new breakthroughs and innovations, and the role of the leader as a transformer of IAIN Kendari’s vision has not yet materialized into real policies and actions.

Keywords: leadership, strategy, transdisciplinary vision, quality of education

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