Interconnectedness of Math, Biology and Islamic Education: Designing Teaching Materials for High School


The interconnectedness of a science is characterized by shared bodies of knowledge and shared vocabulary. Other disciplines, such as education and basic science, should be able to complement science and Islamic studies. Many aspects of the Qur’an and Hadith have been scientifically validated. Islamic studies can also be used to examine the concept of learning in schools and higher education. The interconnectedness of mathematics, biology, and Islamic studies derived from the Qur’an and Hadith, as well as based on the secondary school curriculum, was examined and illustrated in this qualitative study using a content analysis approach. In addition, an integration study was presented, which was part of a material instruction and sample test. The study’s findings revealed that mathematics and Islamic education materials, as well as inheritance distribution and the concept of arithmetic operations of whole numbers and fractions, are all interconnected. Gene classification is concerned with problem-solving of binomial odds distributions (statistics) in mathematics, as well as both mathematics and biology materials. At the same time, the human creation, the environment and nature are related materials in Islamic education and biology. The interconnectedness of the three areas of study can thus be seen in classification concepts. In biology and Islamic studies, this concept can be learned in depth through the material classification of lawful and forbidden animals to eat. This classification is discussed in set materials in mathematics. As a result, the discussion of set materials can be traced back to a real-life example in Islamic education and biology. Furthermore, when teaching the concept of permissible and prohibited foods based on the Qur’an and Hadith, mathematics and biology concepts can be used.

Keywords: mathematics, biology, Islamic studies, teaching materials, inheritance, classification, human creation, the environment and nature

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