EFL Preservice Teachers' Engagement with Community Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The purpose of this narrative study was to investigate the involvement of EFL preservice teachers in community development while participating in the COVID-19 online learning from home program. The data collection technique for this study was based on the photovoices of five EFL preservice teachers who narrated their daily reports while conducting their online service-learning programs. The researchers relied solely on the daily reports page of the academic information system to collect data photovoices. The data from those photovoices were then analyzed using thematic analysis. The researchers also checked their content on YouTube to see what viewers thought about it in the form of responses or suggestions. According to the findings of this study, the five preservice teachers had been involved in community development through a variety of programs or content that they had uploaded to the virtual world. As evidenced by their photovoices, participants engaged in community development by teaching children about the recitation of the Qur’an, providing information in videos about COVID-19 prevention, and using their village as content material. As a result, the teachers have left digital footprints related to community development on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Keywords: EFL preservice teachers, online service learning from home program, photovoice

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