Using Green Open Spaces to Support Campus Academic Activities
Green open space has many advantages, including acting as an effective air filter, maintaining groundwater availability, and preserving flora and fauna. Furthermore, green open spaces can provide direct benefits to users such as beauty and a sense of comfort, which can help to support the academic activities of students, lecturers and employees. The goal of this study was to determine the level of comfort with green open spaces on the IAIN Kendari campus and to provide information to students about how to use them to support student academic activities. The service project began with a Google Form survey to determine the academic community’s perception of the contribution of green open spaces to IAIN Kendari’s academic activities, which was completed by 120 IAIN Kendari students. The findings indicated that the campus green open spaces were perceived as comfortable. The next activity was a webinar on using green open spaces to support academic activities, in which mentoring was provided.
Keywords: green open space, academic activities, IAIN Kendari
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