Concept Map Method in Learning Arabic


The goal of this study was to show: (1) how the concept map model can be applied to the Isim dhamir material; (2) how the concept map learning model can change student understanding of the material; and (3) the efficient design of the concept map form for Isim Dhamir learning. The design of the model included five sheets of concept map for four meetings, with four partial concept map models and one complete concept map model. This was an action research project that collected data through observations, tests, and document analysis. The findings revealed that: (1) the concept map model was applied to the Isim dhamir material in two stages, displaying a complete and partial model; (2) student understanding of the Isim dhamir material using the concept map learning model showed significant changes, as evidenced by the average scores obtained by the students, which increased from 75.85 to 87.4 from cycle 1 to cycle 2; and (3) the media concept map design was effective in helping students to learn Isim dhamir.

Keywords: concept map method, Arabic learning, Isim dhamir material

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