Creating Science Online Learning Media Using Scratch App Block Programming


A difficulty faced by science teachers in online teaching is the inability to apply science materials straight to the students. This research examined how Scratch app block programming can be used on a personal computer or tablet to create science instructional tools to be used online. It was found that the steps to do so are: (1) downloading the Scratch app and running the file; (2) creating designs for the project with e.g. backdrops, paint, costumes; (3) coding or programming the scripts while choosing blocks in block palettes for the science project; (4) dragging and dropping the blocks to the script area for setting the parameter, operator, control, motion, look, sound, sensing and motion block inputs for the program; and (5) saving and running the block code/script in the scripts area. The researchers found that the Scratch app was effective in creating an online medium for learning about science and applying science concepts in everyday life.

Keywords: science learning, measurement, online learning, scratch app, block programming, computational thinking

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