The Business Strategy of Small Enterprises in the Digital Period in West Sumatra


Small enterprises are an important part of the economy in the West Sumatra province in Indonesia. Small enterprises must be aware of the accelerated development of technology and communication. Business advances are influenced by both external and internal factors in the digital period. This research focused on the business strategy of small enterprises by considering a SWOT analysis. It used a qualitative approach to explore the digital business strategies. Internal factors (strength, weaknesses) were identified, as were external factors (opportunity, threats). The findings indicated that increasing performance increases competitiveness. Small businesses must be operated based on technology that is suitable for their needs and capacities. Technopreneurs will perform better in the digital ecosystem. Suitable strategies must be implemented in this digital period based on business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to improve performance. The readiness of small businesses to adopt technology by preparing their resources is an important factor in this strategy, as is providing the best services according to customer needs.

Keywords: small enterprises, technopreneur, digital ecosystem, business strategy

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