Tube Volume in the Malamang Tradition


This research aimed to apply mathematics to study the Malamang tradition of Nagari Ulakan Pariaman in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The research used observations and secondary documents. Malamang is Mawlid’s community tradition to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad. The Malamang tradition involves making lamang (a traditional food). When making lamang, there is an equation that is used for tube volume, which is: tube volume = cylinder base × height = ( π × r2) × t. Lamang is made of sticky rice and coconut milk burned in the reed (bamboo tube). The research results showed that the volume of the tube that is represented by the amount of sticky rice and coconut milk in the reed is determined by the diameter and length of the bamboo tube. The bigger and longer the tube, the more sticky rice and coconut milk are needed.

Keywords: ethnomatematics, lamang, tube, mathematics learning

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