Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Loyalty of Health and Fitness Club Customers


Competition between companies increases rapidly and continuously, so it is important to always evolve. The purpose of this study was: (1) to test the impact of word of mouth, price, and service quality on the satisfaction and loyalty of customers of health and fitness clubs in Klaten and Yogyakarta; (2) to provide a sports management guide to these companies; and (3) to evaluate the third-party complaints in the context of these clubs. A descriptive survey method was used with a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 200 subjects from 10 Klaten and Yogyakarta health and fitness clubs recruited by random sampling. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling to test the similarity and relationships between all variables. The results showed that loyalty and satisfaction were significantly influenced by word-of-mouth, and service quality had a positive effect. Price had a significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty as well. A company’s customer satisfaction and loyalty are very important for increasing profits, so it is crucial for companies to always maintain good relations with their customers.

Keywords: health and fitness club, service quality, word-of-mouth, satisfaction, loyalty

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