Correlation of Anemia With Achievement Index in Female Adolescents in Junior High School


In 2015, 5.9% of adolescents aged 10-24 years in the city of Cimahi, Indonesia experienced anemia. Adolescents may be at a particularly high risk of anemia which can be caused by consuming poor quality food, skipping meals, having menstruation every month and dieting because they want to slim down. Anemia in adolescents can lead to decreased body resistance, weakness and hunger, impaired concentration, and decreased learning achievement. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between anemia and student achievement at junior high school. This was a cross sectional study with a sample size of 85 female students recruited by proportionate stratified random sampling, with the criteria of not-menstruating, and not having a chronic illness or infection. The anemia prevalence was calculated and data were taken from the mid-semester exam results. Data analysis involved univariate and bivariate analyses. According to the findings, 45.9% of the female students had anemia and 5.9% had a fair level of exam results. There was a correlation between anemia and student achievement (p < 0.05). Suggestions based on the findings include for schools, in collaboration with nurses, to improve the activities of the school health unit by providing information about the importance of nutritional intake through changing dietary behavior.

Keywords: anemia prevalence, achievement index, female adolescent students

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