Comparison of the Effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder Versus Extract on Hemoglobin Levels in Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review


Moringa oleifera leaves contain high levels of iron, protein and vitamin C which can help increase hemoglobin (Hb) levels. This study aimed to examine the literature comparing the effectiveness of giving Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MoLP) vs. Moringa oleifera leaf extract (MoLE) to increase Hb levels in adolescent girls. This was a systematic literature review. Articles were found by searching Google Scholar, e-resources of national libraries, GARUDA and web journals accredited by SINTA. According to the findings of this literature study, 25 mg/day of MoLP can be an effective dose to increase Hb levels in adolescent girls for the long term (3 months) with an increase in Hb of 1.4 g/dL; a dose of 2100 mg/day can be effective for the medium term (1 month) with an increase in Hb of 1.75 g/dL; and a dose of 500 mg/day can be effective for the short term (14 days) with an increase in Hb of 1.0134 g/dl. The results also showed that 1000 mg/day of MoLE can be effective to increase Hb levels in adolescent girls for the long term (3 months) with an increase in Hb of 1.68 g/dL; and 1400 mg/day can be effective for the short term (21 days) with an increase in Hb of 0.749 g/dL. The administration of MoLP was found to be more effective in increasing the Hb level of adolescent girls compared to the administration of MoLE. It is recommended that future researchers conduct comparative studies on the effectiveness of giving MoLP, MoLE and Fe tablet supplements to increase Hb levels in adolescent girls.

Keywords: family support, midwife role, BCG immunization

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