The Relationship Between Family Support and the Role of Health Workers in Providing BCG Immunization in Sukabumi Regency, Indonesia


Immunization helps to increase immunity in the body and prevent serious lifethreatening diseases. For several weeks after birth, the baby has a protective system against diseases that is inherited through the placenta from the mother before birth. However, this protection is only temporary and disappears within a few months. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between family support and the role of health workers in providing BCG immunization in the Limbangan village public health center in Sukabumi regency. This was descriptive correlation research with a cross sectional design conducted in 2021. The sample consisted of 63 people recruited through random sampling, and data analysis used the Chi-square test. The findings showed that there was a relationship between family support and the role of health workers in providing BCG immunization (p-value = 0.001).

Keywords: family support, midwife role, BCG immunization

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