Relationship Between Pregnant Women's Knowledge in the Third Trimester About Childbirth and Readiness to Face Labor in Gumuruh Public Health Center


In the third trimester, pregnant women start preparing for labor to meet all the needs during pregnancy and childbirth and reduce the risk of complications during labor. Pregnant women need at least four visits during the prenatal period, and there are four aspects of preparation for childbirth: physical preparation, psychological preparation, financial preparation, and cultural preparation. Lack of maternal preparation for childbirth is one of the factors leading to high maternal mortality and infant mortality. Indirect causes of maternal death include delays in decision-making about the risks of childbirth, delays in referral, and delays in treatment. The knowledge possessed by pregnant women will determine the way she thinks about childbirth. The more knowledge the woman has about labor, the more prepared she is to face it, so she can anticipate as early as possible if there is an emergency in the labor process. The objective of this research was to identify the relationship between the level of knowledge of pregnant women in the third trimester about childbirth and the readiness to face labor in the UPT Gumuruh District of Batununggal. This study used a crosssectional approach with 40 pregnant women respondents; sampling was done using accidental sampling. Out of the 40 pregnant women examined, 36 (90%) had a high level of knowledge, and 4 (10%) had sufficient knowledge. 22 out of the 40 pregnant women (55%) had a good level of readiness, and 18 (45%) had enough readiness. The results showed a relationship between knowledge and readiness (p-value = 0.027). The level of knowledge was related to and affected the readiness of the mother to face labor. Therefore, it is essential for pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, to more actively seek information about pregnancy and labor preparations.

Keywords: pregnant women, readiness, knowledge, childbirth

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