The Role of a Supportive Environment in Recovery From Schizophrenia: A Literature Review


The process of healing mental disorders such as schizophrenia, is a long and challenging process. What is needed in the recovery process is for the individual to find and face every challenge from the limitations caused by their illness and rebuild a new, more meaningful self-integrity in order to live, work, and contribute to society. Therefore, during the recovery process, an individual needs a supportive environment from family, neighbours, the community, the government and the private sector. The purpose of this non-systematic literature review was to gain a better understanding of the role of supportive environments in each stage of mental health recovery. Literature was found by searching through textbooks and journal articles from the databases PubMed, EBSCO, ProQuest, Scopus, Google Scholar and Science Direct using the keywords ‘supporting environment’, ‘recovery’, and ‘schizophrenia’ for articles published in 2003-2015. According to the 15 articles that were collected, the forms of supportive environments in each stage of recovery for people with schizophrenia include supporting peer relationships such as mutual self-help groups, peer support specialists (health workers), and peer-run programs. Other types of supportive environments include relationships with professionals (the role of policy makers) and support through other relationships, consisting of family and environmental components (cadres, religious leaders, community leaders). Medical efforts alone are not sufficient to help patients achieve recovery. The role of the supportive environment holds strategic significance in efforts to restore function.

Keywords: recovery, supportive environtment, schizophrenia

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