Coping Strategies of Adolescents in Orphanages


Adolescents who are orphaned are more prone to crises as a result of their loved ones’ lack of support. There are 13 orphanages in Cimahi City. The objective of this study was to investigate coping mechanisms among orphaned teenagers living in Cimahi City’s LKSA Insan Kamil Mandiri. The significance of this research stems from the obligation of nurses to assist, educate, and offer health-related information to orphaned adolescents to ensure their wellbeing. Qualitative methods were employed, utilizing a phenomenological approach and the Colaizzi method for data analysis. This model focused on the significance of coping methods for orphaned teenagers in conjunction with community-level phenomena to explain changes in the activity patterns and psychosocial experiences of adolescents living in orphanages. Six themes emerged from the research, namely: 1) adolescents’ reasons for living in orphanages; 2) positive responses to living in orphanages; 3) adolescents’ problems in orphanages; 4) coping strategies of adolescents living in orphanages; 5) support received by teenagers living in orphanages; and 6) youth hopes for the future. According to the study’s findings, orphanages often provide pleasant activities that foster community among the institution’s inhabitants.

Keywords: adolescents, coping strategy, orphans

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