Relationship of Age, Duration of Work and Environmental Temperature With Worker Mental Workload


‘Workload’ refers to the job demands faced by workers compared to individual capacities. A high workload may cause overstress and injury. This study aimed to determine the relationship of age, duration of work, and temperature with workload. Descriptive quantitative methods were used with a cross sectional design. The sample included 40 respondents. The NASA-TLX questionnaire and thermohydrometer were used to collect the data which were analyzed using the Chi-square test. The findings showed that 55% of the workers had a moderate mental workload, and there was a relationship between age and mental workload (p-value = 0.045), while the duration of work (p = 0.340) and temperature climate (p = 0.602) did not have a relationship with mental workload. The mental workload of workers increased with an increase in age, so the recommendation given is to provide a workload according to the capacity of the worker.

Keywords: workload, temperature climate, age, duration of work, worker

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