Factors Affecting Stunting in Saguling Community Health Centers, West Bandung


Stunting is one of the most common nutritional problems experienced by toddlers around the world. When exclusive breastfeeding is not given for six months the risk of stunting in toddlers may be higher because breast milk is important in the baby’s growth period. The knowledge of mothers about nutrition affects the mother’s behavior in providing the right food to support the growth and development of children. Pregnant women who have suffered from chronic energy deficiency (CED) are more likely to have babies born with a low weight, affecting their health. If they cannot grow properly, low birthweight (LBW) babies will most likely suffer from stunting. This study was conducted to determine the factors that affect stunting in toddlers aged 24-36 months in Saguling community health centers in West Bandung. Observational methods were used with a cross sectional approach. The sample consisted of 82 mothers who had toddlers aged 24-36 months. The Chi-square test was used to analyze the data. Bivariate results showed that exclusive breastfeeding was a factor that influenced the occurrence of stunting (p < 0.001, PR = 2.353), as was LBW (p = 0.001, PR = 1.760). Other factors related to the incidence of stunting were a history of CED (p = 0.007, PR = 1.657) and the mother’s knowledge (p = 0.005, PR = 1.679).

Keywords: stunting, exclusive breastfeeding, LBW, CED, mother’s knowledge

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