Unit Ladle-Furnace: Slag Forming Conditions And Stabilization


Nowadays almost all smelted steel is processed in "ladle-furnace" (LF), where the steel is processed under refining conditions and brought to the desired temperature and chemical composition. Therefore, large amounts of refining slag are formed. Only in Russia there is about 1.4 million tons of slag exported to dumps annually. This slag cannot be processed by the schemes implemented in the industry, since the slag quickly turns into the tiniest dust during solidification and cooling. Such dust is easily aerated and carried by the wind for long distances; it pollutes soils, dissolves in ground, sedimentary and sewage waters. It also pollutes slag dumps that are suitable for processing for crushed stone.

Keywords: ladle furnace slag, EAF slag, chemical composition, phase composition, secondary alumina production wastes, slag stabilization

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