Development of Smelting Technology of Complex Ferroalloy with the Use of High-ash Coals


The article presents the results of studies that contribute to solving the problem of extraction of aluminum from the ash part of high-ash coals and its further application in ferrous metallurgy. Technologies of obtaining multicomponent complex alloys, including ferrosilicon aluminum, aluminosilicate manganese, and aluminum-silicon-chrome were described in detail. These complex alloys are designed for deoxidation and partial alloying of steel, as well as for the metal-thermal production of various ferroalloys. The main charge material for their production is high-ash coals, which are not used in the national economy and belong to man-made waste. The content of solid carbon in high-ash coals is sufficient for the passage of all reduction reactions, which eliminates the use of expensive coke from the process chain. The use of cheap materials and the refusal to use metallurgical coke allows smelting complex alloys at a relatively low cost. The article also presents the results of a series of large-scale laboratory and pilot tests on the smelting of the above complex alloys using high-ash coals from various coal basins of Kazakhstan. A detailed analysis was made to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the developed technologies in comparison with their analogues.

Keywords: complex alloy, high-ash coal, ferrosilicon aluminum, aluminum-siliconchrome, aluminum-silicon-manganese, slag-free process

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