
Benzo(α)pyrene were determined by Gass Chromatography Mass Spectrofotometry method on nile, tilapia, milkfish, little tuna, narrow bared spanish mackerel, marine catfish, canine catfish and stingray processed by traditional method and the used of smoking kiln. Eight samples of smoked fish processed by traditional method showed a higher BaP levels ranging from 0.03 to 4.58 ppb. Whereas, BaP levels on smoked fish processed by smoking kiln were found in average lower than traditional method ranging from 0.01 to 3.04 ppb. Different fish species gave very significant different (P<0.01) to BaP levels. Meanwhile, different method of smoking fish gave no significant different (P>0.05) on carbonyl compounds (phenol, formaldehyde, and organic acid) levels on smoked fish processed by traditional method and smoking kiln, but different fish species gave very significant different (P<0.01) to carbonyl compound level (phenol, formaldehyde, and organic acid).

Keywords: Benzo(α)pyrene, carbonyl, smoking kiln, smoked fish, traditional method 

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