
Seaweed (algae) is one of the potential export commodity to be developed. Kinds of seaweed that has a high economic value include: Rhodophyceae (red algae) as a produce of agar and carrageenan, Phaeophyceae (brown algae) as a produce of alginates. Seaweed potential of 1.2 million hectares, the potential production of dried seaweed on average 16 tons every year, however, seaweed explored just about two percent. This fact indicated that seaweed is one commodity that have the opportunity to developed, both in terms of aquaculture, biotechnology and processing. The aimed of this study was to determine the kinds of seaweed and the best ratio of filtrate and water, based on a physical test and determine the chemical composition of nata de seaweed.

Keywords : Eucheuma cottonii, Gracilaria sp., nata de seaweed, physic and chemical characteristics 

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