
Sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is one of freshwater fish which gives low gelling capacity due to its high content of sarcoplasmic protein and lipid contents. Catfish surimi was made into fish sausage with tapioca starch as filler and seaweed powder as gelling agent. Seaweed Eucheuma cottonii have ability to increase gelling properties because of its hydrocolloid content, carrageenan. In this research, different concentrations of E. cottonii seaweed powder were added to fish sausage. E. cottonii powder improved gel strength (1816.69, WHC (88.67%) of fish sausage without giving any effect to the sensory properties of fish sausage (aroma, flavor, off-flavor, color). The best concentration of E. cottonii powder adding was 0.50%. Fish sausage added with seaweed powder (0.50%) had comparable WHC, gel properties (gel strength, biting and folding test) and sensory properties with commercial fish sausage marketed in Indonesia. Furthermore, fish sausages added by either seaweed powder had higher whiteness degree, whiter color, and higher dietary fiber content compare to commercial fish sausage.

Keywords : catfish, Eucheuma cottonii, fish sausage, seaweed powde 

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