Assessment of Varieties of Spring Barley of Selection of Omsk Agrarian Research Center for Adaptivity of Mass of 1000 Grains


Considering climatic factors and production demands, selection for increased productivity and adaptability to local climatic factors is currently relevant. To create new varieties of barley with the listed factors, a promising source material with improved adaptive qualities is required. One of the leading structural elements that determine the productivity of a variety is the mass of 1000 grains. Objective: to assess the adaptability of spring barley varieties from the selection of the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center in terms of the mass of 1000 grains. The object of research was 11 varieties of spring barley breeding Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center. Based on this indicator, the following adaptability parameters were calculated: the indicator of the size of the grain size, the coefficient of variation, the coefficient and ecovalent of ecological plasticity, the relative stability of the trait and homeostaticity. The final assessment was carried out according to the sum of ranks obtained by each applied method, given that rank 1 is higher. The average weight of 1000 grains of barley varieties, breeding of the Omsk ANC, was 45.7 g in membranous and 40.9 g in huskless. According to the results of adaptability studies, stable varieties were identified that are poorly responsive to changes in cultivation conditions and better adapted to medium and low levels of agriculture: Omsky 95, Gift of Siberia and Omsk huskless 2 (the sum of ranks ranged from 22.0 to 29.0). Varieties Sibirsky Avant-garde, Sasha, Omsky 91, Omskyhuskless 1 and Omsky 90 (sum of ranks from 38.0 to 51.0) are classified as plastic ones – the change in grain size of these varieties is fully consistent with the change in growing conditions. Strong responsiveness to changing conditions was found in varieties Omsky 96, Omsky 100 and Omsky 99 (the sum of ranks varies from 59.0 to 63.0) – these varieties belong to the intensive group, which means less adaptability to adverse conditions.

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