Creating Tetraploid Lines of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays Saccharata) and Studying Biochemical Content of Their Grain


A collection of tetraploid sweet corn has been created on the basis of Baksanskaya Sugary var. (VIR catalog no. k-23426) obtained from dent corn tetraploid population MRPP-20 characterized with high grain yield of its ear. The variety has been created by inbreeding separate caryopses homozigotic for su1 and su2 genes (sugary endosperm); the caryopses were selected from MRPP-20 population with subsequent selection work for valuable traits during a number of generations. The collection includes over 300 specimens, among them there are genotypes promising for selection of foodcrop sweet corn. The research was conducted into principal phenotypic traits of the plant and chemical components of its caryopsis (protein, starch, oil). Analysis has shown that the chemical composition of grain varies widely. Structural phenotypic traits of vegetative organs differ mainly in the number of ears per plant, ear size, number of seeds per ear and the number of seed rows, caryopsis length, color of corncob and the caryopsis itself. Specimens with high (17.0–18.0 %) and low (11.0–12.0 %) protein content, high (9.0–10.0 %) and low (5.0–6.0 %) oil content, high (66.0–67.0 %) and low (60.0–61.0 %) starch content in caryopses were produced. Specimens have been obtained that combine high starch content with low oil content (C-1042) and vice versa (C-1114, C-1116), with low protein and oil content in a combination with high starch content (C-1180, C-1370). The research results allowed choosing starting material for selection work with hybrids of sweet corn to get predefined flavor properties.

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