Influence of Organic Fertilizers and Soil Treatment on Agricultural and Environmental State of Soil


The paper presents the results of research involving a long-term stationary field experiment with chernozem typical of forest-steppe area of the region. The experiments were carried out in the Chechen Agricultural Research Institute from 2011 to2017 within the framework of state order, Russian Agricultural Academy topic no., later substituted with the Russian Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations topic no. 0741-2014-0003: “Development of resource-saving techniques for use of renewable bio-resources and organic fertilizers in growth practices of crops”. The research studied dependence of soil fertility on plowing with soil overturning, surface treatment with disk tiller and subsoiling with a chisel cultivator against the background of varying quantities of manure. At the beginning of the experiment, agro-environmental evaluation of soil revealed low content of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus, average content of potassium and low level of physical properties. The results of the experiment have demonstrated a positive influence the organic fertilizers and soil treatment had on the soil condition and physical state. The best indicators were obtained in the variant with disk harrowing combined with 30 t/ha of manure, where humus content increased by 8.7 %, availability of nitrogen and phosphorus increased to average level, availability of potassium reached above average level, physical properties of the soil improved as well. This research is a scientific lead to the topic no.0741-2019-0002 of the state order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia: “Development of scientificallysubstantiated system of resource-saving soil treatment to actualize biological potential of highly productive agrophytocenozes and seed productivity of main fodder crops using organic fertilizers, green manure crops and biological preparations on typical chernozem soil”.

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