The Effect of Prolonged Irrigation on Soil-amelioration State of the Aley River Steppe in Altai Krai


On the basis of many years of research conducted at the Aley River irrigation system and generalization of literary materials, the impact of irrigation on soil fertility, composition and properties of chernozemic, meadow chernozemic and chernozemic meadow soils, their water and salt regime, and crop productivity has been established. A comprehensive assessment of the long-term impact of irrigation on the change in the hydrophysical and chemical properties of soils and the ecological and reclamation state of the irrigated area is given. The influence of long-term irrigation on the nature and direction of the dynamics of groundwater and salt levels in soils is revealed. The water and salt balance of soils has been compiled, depending on the characteristics and duration of irrigation. It is proved that in conditions of insufficient drainage of the territory, non-compliance with scientifically grounded irrigation regimes, rational irrigation techniques, violation of agricultural technology and crop rotation during long-term irrigation leads to the deterioration of some properties of soils, their salinization and alkalination. Regularities and changes in soil-amelioration conditions during prolonged irrigation of land have been established.

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