Results of Theoretical Studies to Substantiate the Parameters of Multi-blade Rotary-type Working Bodies


The article presents the results of theoretical studies of the technological process of operation of multi-blade working bodies of rotary type, intended for the distribution of solid organic fertilizers. To determine the length of the blades of the last row of rotors, and accordingly the overall dimensions of the spreader, theoretical dependences of the range of fertilizer particles on the radius of the blades are obtained, which made it possible to determine the size of the blades that provide the required performance of the rotary spreader. Considering the uniform distribution of fertilizer particles over the sieving width, the dependences of the “limiting” zone of loading of the blades (the maximum thickness of the layer of fertilizers captured by one blade) on the angle of their inclination at different lengths of the blades were obtained, which showed that when applying fertilizers with medium and large doses, several rows of blades. Computational experiments were carried out, during which, the number of rows of blades and the ratio of the lengths of the blades of different rows were determined to obtain the smallest unevenness depending on different doses of fertilizer application. As a result of mathematical modeling, the dependences of the working insertion width on the angle of inclination of the blades of the rotor rows relative to the radial position are obtained for various second-time supply of material, using which rational values of the angle of inclination of the blades are found.

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