The Role of Endorphin Stimulation, Oxytocin Massage and Suggestive Technique (SPEOS) in Improving Breast Milk Production among Breastfeeding Mother at Primary Health Center in Cimahi Tengah, West Java, Indonesia


Inadequatemilksupplyduringthefirstfewdays’after delivery become concern from most of the women. Indonesia Health Research and Development Agency in 2010 stated that the failure of exclusive breastfeeding commonly caused by insufficient milk production. The intervention of SPEOS (EndorphinStimulation, Oxytocin Massage, and Suggestive Technique) methods are offered to post-partum mothers in increasing breast milk supply. This study aimed to identify the influence of SPEOS on breast milk supply among post-partum mothers at Primary Health Care in Cimahi Tengah Indonesia. Quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control group design was conducted. A total of 20 postpartum mothers were involved in this studyby using accidental sampling technique. The data were taken from March to April 2018 through observation on the amount of breast milk by pumping in two times observation including before and after the SPEOS method applied. The data were analyzed by t-independent test. Ethical approval was obtained from Health Research and Ethics Committee of Institute of Health Science Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi No. 005/KEPK/II/2018. The result shows that the intervention group produces more breast milkasmuchas3,74cconthethirddaysoftheexperimentthanthecontrolgroup(2,04 cc).Bivariateanalysisshowspvalue0,001.Therefore,SPEOS methods gives significant influences on breast milk supply among post partum mothers. Conclusions SPEOS methods are effective in increasing low breast milk supply amongpost-partummothers.

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