Decision-Making Predictors of Place of Delivery in the Work Area of Petungkriyono Health Center, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java Indonesia


Indonesiangovernmentrequiresmotherstogivebirthinhealthcarefacilitiestoensure that labor takes place safely in accordance with the standards of childbirth assistance. The highest number of cases of delivering babies at home in Pekalongan regency Central Java happened in district Petungkriyono 56.05% in 2016. The objective of this study was to find out predictors and factors that closely related to decision making regarding the place of delivery. A descriptive correlative study with cross sectional design was conducted. The setting of the study was the work area of Petungkriyono Health Center in Pekalongan. A total 319 participants were chosen by the total sampling technique.Participantofthisstudywerewomenwhogavebirthintheperiod of January to December of 2017. The data were statistically tested by using multiple logistic regression test to identify the most influential variable related to decision making regarding the place of delivery.The study found that 156 (48.9%) respondents delivered at home and 163 (51.1%) delivered at health facility.. The influencing variables were attitude and value with p value 0.016 and the most influential variable is the negative value about birth in a health facility with p value 0.017 (95% CI; 1.139,3.587). Themostvariableinfluencingdecisionmakingregardingtheplaceofdeliveryisvalue. It is suggested for health care providers to considering the aspects of value to build the trust in the community while conducting an education program.

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