Description of Health Urinary System During Pregnancy in Kedungwuni I Public Health Center Pekalongan


Pregnancy brings many impacts to womens’ health un-evitably their urinary system. But least attention put to this problem. Ignored urinary system problems may cause complication for both mother and her baby such as prematurity, IUFD, LBW and pre-eclampsia.This study purposed to identify the health satus description of pregnant women urinary system in Kedungwuni 1 Public Health Center Pekalongan region. This descriptive study involved 83 participants recruited using accidental sampling. Check list for physical assessment and questionnaire were used for data collection. Result from total of 83 pregnant mothers, 40 of them were on second trimester, 82% of participants of this study were aged from 20-35 years old, most of them were junior high school graduate (42.2%) and more than half of them (54.2%) were housewife. 13.3% of participants stated feeling the pain during suprapubic palpation and lower back percussion. 25.3% mothers mentioned that they used to postpone urination, 32.5%complainedforunfinishedurinationand32.5%complaininghotsensationwhen urinate. This study showed that more than a quarter of the participants in this study exhibit signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection. To prevent the adverse effect caused by urinaty tract infection on pregnant mothers,it is suggested to all healthcare providers involved to put more attention to this matter.

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