Education Degree and Age Correlated with the Injection Contraceptive Chosen Among Women of Childbearing Age in Sukajaya District, South Sumedang 2016


Background:In2014Indonesia’sfamilyplanningparticipantstotal35,202,908(74.87%), non-contraceptive of longterm method are 84.74% more highly than participants who use are 15.26%. Using IUD contraception are (11.07%), MOW (3.52%), MOP (0.69%), condom (3.15%), implant (10.46%), pill (23.58 %) and injections (47.57%). Injection contraceptive is a way to prevent pregnancy through hormonal injection and one of the highest non-longterm contraceptive methods. Women of childbearing age who choose injection contraceptive in Sukajaya District, South Sumedang are about 568 people (62%).

Objectives: This research is to determine the correlation between age and education level of women which has childbearing age toward the selection of injection contraceptive at Sukajaya District, South Sumedang.

Methods: This research used analytic method with cross sectional design. Sampling technique used stratified randomsamplingbytaking229womenofchildbearingageassamplestorepresenting the strata randomly. The analysis used is Chi-Square.

Result: The highest choosing of injection contraceptive in the age category 20-35 years are 148 samples (64.6%) and the highest level of education graduated from junior high school are 83 samples (36.2%). While the level of education at least graduated from university are 21 samples (9.2%) which all of them choosed three months injection.

Conclusion: There is no correlation between age of women of childbearing age with selection of injection contraceptive (p-value = 0.426> 0.05). There is no correlation between education degree of women of childbearing age with chosen injection contraceptive (p-value = 0,965>0.05).

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